Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
Resolution 01-2025 |
2025 Organizational Resolution |
01-13-2025 |
Amending compensation rates for district employees |
01-27-2025 |
2024 resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
2024 Organizational Resolution |
01-05-2024 |
Authorization to approve contract with Shari Green for Lodge Event Consultant services |
01-22-2024 |
Authorization to enter into contract with Shari Green for Lodge Event Consultant services 02/11/2024 through 12/31/2026 - supercedes 02-2024 |
02-06-2024 |
Resolution 04-2024 |
Renaming the Lodge Fund to Facility Rental Fund and expanding the permissible use to include all district-owned buildings |
Amending the compensation for the district fiscal officer |
05-24-2024 |
Authorizing Friends of Richfield Heritage Preserve to stabilize Garfield Hall...under the direction of the park director, for 90 days... |
05-20-2024 |
Modifying the Contract Authority and Bid Policy |
05-20-2024 |
Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor |
10-28-2024 |
Authorizing the creation of a budget line item for the funding of a Recreational Trails Program grant |
12-16-2024 |
Authorizing the chairperson and treasurer of the board of trustees of the RJRD to execute an agreement for professional legal services with Roetzel & Andress, L.P.A. |
12-16-2024 |
Resolution 11-2024 |
Making appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2025 and declaring an emergency so that the appropriations may be effective prior to the beginning of the fiscal year 2025. |
12-16-2024 |
2023 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
2023 Organizational Resolution |
01-05-2023 |
Adopt the Strategic Plan, subject to future updates |
04-24-2023 |
Recognition plaque for major Kirby's Mill donors |
01-23-2023 |
Renewing contract with Shari Green, Lodge Event Consultant |
02-27-2023 |
Authorizing purchase of RecDesk software package |
01-23-2023 |
Authorizing contract with Roetzel & Andress |
01-23-2023 |
Making appropriations for 2023 |
01-23-2023 |
Authorizing application for Nature Works grant |
04-24-2023 |
Amending board of trustees Committee Policy |
04-24-2023 |
Authorizing lease agreement with Oviatt House |
04-24-2023 |
Declaring replacement levy necessary and requesting Summit County certification |
05-22-2023 |
Appropriation for current expenses and other expenditures |
05-22-2023 |
Submitting to the electors a replacement levy of .50 mills |
06-26-2023 |
Amendment #2 to 2023 appropriations |
07-24-2023 |
Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor |
09-25-2023 |
Adopting the Modified Structure Champion Program document as an update to the strategic plan document adopted April 24, 2023 |
10-23-2023 |
A Resolution to approve proposed bylaw changes to be effective subject to the completion of founding entities' review |
12-18-2023 |
Amendment #3 to 2023 appropriations |
12-18-2023 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the RJRD during year ending Dec. 31, 2024 and declaring an emergency so that the appropriations may be effective prior to the end of the fiscal year 2024 |
12-18-2023 |
2022 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
2022 Organizational Resolution |
01-13-2022 |
A resolution to adopt 2022 modified budget |
01-26-2022 |
A resolution amending the Board of Trustees Committee policy Exhibit A - Update Standing Committees |
01-26-2022 |
Resolution 04-2022 |
Not used |
A resolution to modify the scope of the request for proposal and to seek sealed competitive bids for the replacement and upgrade of the HVAC system in The Lodge |
02-21-2022 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to renew the contract with Shari Green as Event Consultant for The Lodge at Richfield Heritage Preserve through December 31, 2022 |
02-21-2022 |
A resolution authorizing RJRD to enter into an agreement with Western Reserve Land Conservancy for the acquisition of the Headwaters Forest Preserve property |
02-21-2022 |
A resolution to authorize filing of an application for Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Grant funding and to agree to obligate the necessary funds to complete the Headwaters Forest Preserve project |
02-26-2022 |
A resolution authorizing the creation of a special revenue fund for the purpose of receiving donations for specifically designated uses |
03-28-2022 |
A proclamation to express appreciation and thanks to Kathy Donchess, Social Media Coordinator |
03-28-2022 |
Resolution 11-2022 |
Not used |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to amend its existing agreement with Gannet Fleming Engineers and Architects, P.C. |
03-28-2022 |
A resolution to authorize filing of an application for ODNR Nature Works grant funding and to agree to obligate the necessary funds to replace the bridge over the upper lake dam |
03-28-2022 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to enter into an agreement for the resurfacing of the floor in the kitchen and bridal suite of The Lodge at Richfield Heritage Preserve |
03-28-2022 |
A resolution authorizing Richfield Joint Recreation District to make an award pursuant to bid RJRD2022-02 HVAC at The Lodge |
04-12-2022 |
A resolution authorizing the creation of a special revenue fund for the purpose of receiving and expending monies attributed to The Lodge |
04-25-2022 |
Resolution 17-2022 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2022 and declaring an emergency so that the appropriations may be effective prior to the end of the fiscal year 2022 |
04-25-2022 |
04-25-2022 |
A resolution adopting a Volunteer Guidebook for the district VOLUNTEER GUIDEBOOK |
06-27-2022 |
A resolution requesting from Friends of RHP the remaining funds donated in 2019 by Fast Girls Running Company for the benefit of Richfield Heritage Preserve |
04-25-2022 |
Resolution 21-2022 EXHIBIT A |
A resolution authorizing an agreement with the Village of Richfield for the provision of park director services and declaring an emergency |
05-23-2022 |
A resolution authorizing the creation of budget line items for the funding of a NatureWorks grant |
06-27-2022 |
A resolution amending the 2022 Appropriations |
07-25-2022 |
A resolution authorizing an agreement with Walter ǀ Haverfield for legal services |
07-25-2022 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the RJRD during the year ending Dec. 31, 2022 and declaring an emergency so that the appropriations may be effective prior to the end of the fiscal year 2022 |
11-28-2022 |
Resolution 26-2022 with Exhibit A |
A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor |
11-28-2022 |
2021 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
2021 Organizational Resolution |
01-04-2021 |
A resolution allowing RJRD to negotiate the rehabilitation of Upper and Lower Lake dams with Northstar Contracting. |
01-08-2021 |
A resolution allowing RJRD to negotiate a written agreement with Gannett Fleming Engineers and Architects, P.C for the construction administration of the Upper and Lower Lake dams rehabilitations Phase II. |
01-25-2021 |
A resolution to estimate the amount of active monies and interim deposits, to invite applications for depositories, and to fix a date to designate depositories for active and interim deposits. |
05-24-2021 |
A resolution amending an agreement for RJRD Phase 2 Dam Rehabilitation with Gannet Fleming. |
05-12-2021 |
A resolution designating public depositories |
06-28-2021 |
Resolution 07-2021 |
Not used |
A resolution accepting amounts and rates of Summit County taxes and authorizing necessary tax levies |
10-25-2021 |
A resolution authorizing the creation of a Facility Rental Custodial Fund |
10-25-2021 |
A resolution accepting a pass-through grant agreement with ODNR for Lower Lake dam Phase II |
10/25/2021 |
A resolution requesting American Rescue Plan Act fund from Village of Richfield for Covid prevention/mitigation in Lodge |
10/25/2021 |
Resolution 12-2021 |
A resolution to approve change directive #001 for dam project repairs not to exceed $40,500 |
11/22/2021 |
Resolution 13-2021 |
A resolution to allow Jim Hardy, on behalf of RJRD, to compose and distribute RFP for bids to install HVAC in The Lodge for purposes of improvement of ventilation system |
11/22/2021 |
Resolution 14-2021 |
A resolution to authorize issuance of RFP for catering and event services for The Lodge, in accordance with draft RFP presented to board on Nov. 22, 2021, modified on same date, subject to final approval of board chair, board legal counsel |
11/22/2021 |
Resolution 15-2021 |
A resolution to approve Change Directive #002 for dam project repairs not to exceed $12,400 |
12/14/2021 |
A resolution to adopt the 2022 Budget |
12/20/2021 |
A resolution extending the contract with Shari Green as Lodge Event Consultant through March 31, 2022 |
12/20/2021 |
2020 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
2020 Organizational Resolution |
01-27-2020 |
A resolution to seek sealed competitive bids for the dredging of the lower lake and disposal of surplus material |
01-07-2020 |
A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying then to the county auditor. |
10-26-2020 |
A resolution authorizing RJRD to proceed to solicit bids for phase of the dam restoration project. |
09-29-2020 |
Resolution 05-2020 |
A resolution to authorize filing of a land and water conservation fund grant application and agree to obligate the necessary funds to complete the project. |
10-26-2020 |
Pat Norris Appreciation Proclamation |
12-21-2020 |
A resolution authorizing board members to enter into agreement with Walter Haverfield for professional legal services. |
12-21-2020 |
A resolution to adopt 2021 Budget. |
12-21-2020 |
2019 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
A resolution ratifying the Richfield Joint Recreation District's application for state budget allocation |
12-16-19 |
A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor |
10-28-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to adopt the 2018 Summit County Hazard Mitigation Plan |
10-28-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to expend funds during 2019 |
09-30-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to amend its existing agreement with Gannett Fleming Engineers and Architects, P.C. |
09-30-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to implement the recommendations of the historic homes stabilization task force |
06-24-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to declare certain equipment not needed for district purposes to be surplus and to exchange the same for the purchase of a 72" mower |
05-20-19 |
A resolution to enter into an agreement with Friends of Crowell Hilaka, Inc. |
04-22-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to negotiate a written agreement with Gannett Fleming Engineers and Architects, P.C. for construction administration of the renovation of the lower dam |
04-08-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to negotiate a written agreement with Workman Industrial Services, Inc. for the renovation of the wastewater treatment plant and sanitary improvements |
04-01-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to negotiate a written agreement with Black Horse Bridge Construction, Inc., for the rehabilitation of the lower dam |
04-01-19 |
A resolution authorizing issuance of a request for statements of qualifications from design professional firms and establishing a process for prequalifying and hiring design professionals for certain public improvements |
03-07-19 |
A resolution adopting a credit card policy for the district |
02-25-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to complete and submit its application for the inclusion of Richfield Heritage Preserve in the National Register of Historic Places |
02-25-19 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Walter Haverfield LLP for professional legal services |
01-28-19 |
2019 Organizational Resolution |
01-07-19 01-28-19 |
2018 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
A resolution authorizing competitive bidding for Richfield Heritage Preserve lower lake dam improvements |
12-17-18 |
A resolution authorizing competitive bidding for Richfield Heritage Park waste treatment plant and sanitary improvements |
11-26-18 |
Friends of Crowell Hilaka Work Plan for Kirby’s Mill |
11-29-18 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2018 and declaring an emergency so that the appropriations may be effective prior to the end of the fiscal year 2018 |
12-17-18 |
A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor |
11-26-18 |
A resolution to adopt 2019 budget |
11-26-18 |
A resolution providing for the issuance and sale of bonds in the maximum principal amount of $6,905,000 for the purpose of refunding for debt charges savings certain of the district’s outstanding recreational facilities improvement bonds, series 2015, dated June 25, 2015 |
05-14-18 |
A resolution authorizing an agreement with Gannett Fleming, Inc. for professional engineering services |
05-14-18 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to amend cell tower lease |
04-23-18 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to purchase and modify used golf carts |
03-26-18 |
Adoption of a Plan under the Program by Eligible Employer |
03-26-18 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to hire a fiscal officer |
03-26-18 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Park Operations Committee to engage contractors for roof repairs |
02-26-18 |
A resolution to authorize a warrant for payment based on then and now certificate for a purchase, and declaring an emergency |
02-16-18 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to thank Friends of Crowell Hilaka and our anonymous donor for the Gatekeeper’s Cottage project |
01-08-18 |
2018 Organizational Resolution |
01-08-18 |
2017 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to purchase gate opening devices for Oviatt and Summer Barn entrances to Richfield Heritage Preserve |
12-11-17 |
A resolution to make an appropriation transfer for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2017 and declaring an emergency |
12-11-17 |
A resolution authorizing advance of local taxes |
12-19-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to apply for State of Ohio Capital Grant Funding, 201 |
12-11-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to enter agreement with FMD Architects, Inc., for Gund Hall renovation study |
12-11-2017 |
A resolution to adopt 2018 budget A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, During the year ending December 31, 2018 and declaring an emergency |
12-11-2017 01-08-18 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to accept the superior of two bids for security cameras and related equipment for Richfield Heritage Preserve |
11-27-17 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2017 and declaring an emergency |
11-27-17 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2017 and declaring an emergency |
11-27-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to accept the superior of two bids for slate rock repair |
11-27-17 |
A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor |
10-09-17 |
A resolution forming a special Fundraising Committee for the Richfield Joint Recreation District |
09-25-17 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio during the year ending December 31, 2017 and declaring an emergency Fiscal items for September 11, 2017 Board of Trustee Meeting |
09-25-17 09-08-17 |
A resolution authorizing architect selection for visitor center/office project |
07-24-2017 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to enter into a Use Agreement with Baldwin Wallace University |
07-17-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to enter into a Location Agreement with HKFilm LLC, permitting the use of the Richfield Heritage Preserve as a location for the “Hal King” movie |
06-26-17 |
A resolution to approve proposed bylaw changes to be effective subject to the completion of founding entities review |
06-26-17 |
A resolution to authorize warrants for payment based on then and now certificates for purchases, and declaring an emergency |
05-22-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into the agreement with Spif’s Garden Care Group |
05-22-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center |
05-22-17 |
A resolution to issue a request for qualifications for a criteria engineer for a design-build project to repair or replace the lower lake dam and make potential repairs to the upper lake dam |
05-08-17 |
A resolution forming a Records Commission for the Richfield Joint Recreation District |
05-08-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into the agreement with Ohio Operating Engineers Apprenticeship and Training Fund |
05-01-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to participate in the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program |
05-10-17 |
A resolution forming an ad hoc Marketing and Communications Committee for the Richfield Joint Recreation District |
03-27-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into the Friends Group Agreement with Friends of Crowell Hilaka, Inc. |
03-27-17 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Walter Haverfield LLP for professional legal services |
03-27-17 |
A resolution authorizing issuance of a request for statements of qualifications from design professional firms, determining an emergency, and establishing a process for prequalifying and hiring design professionals for public improvements |
01-09-17 |
A resolution authorizing advances of local taxes |
01-09-17 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into Amendment No. 2 to the agreement with Environmental Design Group, LLC dated September 15, 2015 |
01-09-17 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into Amendment 1 to the agreement with Keith D. Shy to provide public improvement management services |
01-09-17 |
2016 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2017 and declaring an emergency |
11-23-16 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2016 and declaring an emergency |
10-23-16 |
A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor |
10-10-16 |
A resolution adopting the Richfield Joint Recreation District conflict of interest and accountability policy and code of ethics |
12-12-16 |
A resolution adopting the Richfield Joint Recreation District Clean Ohio Policy for agreements and use application |
11-28-16 |
A resolution adopting the Richfield Joint Recreation District regular meeting agenda and process |
11-28-16 |
A resolution adopting the Richfield Joint Recreation District external communications policy |
11-28-16 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2016 and declaring an emergency |
10-10-16 |
A resolution declaring Richfield Joint Recreation District property as surplus property no longer needed for public use, obsolete, or unfit for the use for which it was acquired, and authorizing the district to sell said property |
09-12-16 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2016 and declaring an emergency |
08-16-16 |
A resolution to designate public depositories, to authorize the Richfield Joint Recreation District Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into agreements for the deposits of district funds |
07-11-16 |
A resolution authorizing the Friends of Crowell Hilaka, Inc. (FoCH) to produce an assessment of Kirby Mill |
05-23-16 |
A resolution adopting the Richfield Joint Recreation District park rules and regulations |
05-23-16 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with GPD Group |
05-09-16 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into an agreement with L. L. Bean Inc.’s Outdoor Discovery Schools |
04-11-16 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into an agreement with Charles E. Harris & Associates, Inc. |
04-11-16 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Buckeye Trail Association, Inc. |
03-28-16 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into a Code Assessment agreement with Franklin & Associates |
03-28-16 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Environmental Design Group, LLC dated September 15, 2015 |
03-28-16 |
A resolution to adopt a General Use agreement for Richfield Joint Recreation District property |
03-28-16 |
A resolution establishing a Board of Trustees’ Committee policy |
03-28-16 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into an agreement with Naturally Speaking, LLC |
02-22-16 |
2016 Organizational resolution |
01-28-16 |
2015 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into an agreement with the Ohio History Connection for a Pipeline Initiative Grant to pursue a National Register of Historic Places nomination |
12-14-2015 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to participate in the National IPA Cooperative Purchasing Program |
12-14-15 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to participate in the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program |
12-15-15 |
A resolution authorizing advances of local taxes |
12-14-15 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2015 and declaring an emergency |
12-14-15 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2016 and declaring an emergency |
12-14-15 |
A resolution authorizing and directing the Chairperson and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to enter into an agreement with Keith D. Shy to provide Public Improvement project management services |
11-30-15 |
Proclamation to express appreciation and thanks to Trustee Lloyd Ostrowski, RJRD First Chairperson |
11-23-15 |
A resolution authorizing the filing of an amendment to the RJRD’s application for a conditional zoning certificate to operate a governmentally owned park in Richfield Township |
11-09-15 |
A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor |
10-12-15 |
A resolution ratifying the filing of an application for conditional zoning certificate to operate governmentally owned park in Richfield Township |
08-10-15 |
Proclamation to express appreciation to Western Reserve Land Conservancy on the first anniversary of the formation of the Richfield Joint Recreation District |
07-13-15 |
Proclamation to express appreciation to Sandy Apidone, Abby Gretter, Lucia Hanigosky, Dick & Lynn Johnson, Corey Ringle, Meg Slifcak & Denny Flanagan on the first anniversary of the formation of the Richfield Joint Recreation District |
07-12-15 |
Proclamation to express appreciation to Friends of Crowell Hilaka on the first anniversary of the formation of the Richfield Joint Recreation District |
07-13-15 |
Proclamation to express appreciation to Village of Richfield Council, Honorable Mayor Beshara, Richfield Township Board of Trustees, Richfield Historical Society and Richfield residents & electors on the first anniversary of formation of the Richfield Joint Recreation District |
07-13-15 |
A resolution to transfer appropriations to meet anticipated debt service payments of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2015 and declaring an emergency |
06-22-15 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2015 and declaring an emergency |
05-11-15 |
A resolution to authorize warrants for payment based on then and now certificates for purchases, and declaring an emergency |
05-02-15 |
A resolution providing for the issuance and sale of bonds in the maximum principal amount of $7,100,000 for the purpose of constructing, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving recreational facilities and acquiring, clearing, improving and equipping their sites |
04-12-15 |
A resolution to authorize warrants for payment based on then and now certificates for purchases, and declaring an emergency |
04-13-15 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2015 and declaring an emergency |
01-19-15 |
2014 Resolutions
Resolution Number |
Resolution |
Date Passed |
A resolution providing for the issuance and sale of tax anticipation notes, series 2015, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $80,000.00 |
12-29-14 |
A resolution providing for the issuance and sale of bond anticipation notes in an amount not to exceed $7,100,000.00 issued, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of constructing, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving recreational facilities and acquiring, clearing, improving and equipping their sites |
12-29-14 |
A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Richfield Joint Recreation District, State of Ohio, during the year ending December 31, 2014 and declaring an emergency |
12-22-14 |
A resolution to authorize warrants for payment based on then and now certificates for purchases, and declaring an emergency |
12-15-14 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into an agreement to purchase approximately 211 acres of real property |
12-01-14 |
A resolution authorizing the Chairperson and Treasurer to enter into an agreement to purchase approximately 125 acres of real property |
12-01-14 |
A resolution authorizing the Richfield Joint Recreation District to submit a Clean Ohio Grant application for the purchase and protection of the Summit Headwaters Divide Project property |
12-01-14 |
A resolution authorizing advances of local taxes |
11-24-14 |
Resolution 08-2014 |
Resolution 8-2014 Resolution to Proceed Bonds $8,520-Mill was Moved NOT TO ADOPT. Removed from Agenda. See 07-30-2014 Approved Minutes |
A resolution determining to proceed with submitting the question of the issuance of recreational facilities improvement bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $7,100,000, to the electors of the district pursuant to section 133.18 of the Revised Code |
07-30-14 |
Resolution 06-2014 |
Resolution 6-2014 Resolution to Proceed Bonds $5,680-Mill was Moved NOT TO ADOPT. Removed from Agenda. See 07-30-2014 Approved Minutes |
A resolution submitting to the electors of the district the question of an additional 0.50-mill tax levy for the purpose of parks and recreational purposes, including acquiring, maintaining and operating recreational facilities and community centers, pursuant to Sections 755.18, 5707.19(H) and 5707.198 of the revised code |
07-30-14 |
A resolution declaring the necessity of submitting the question of the issuance of recreational facilities improvement bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $8,520,000, to the electors of the district pursuant to section 133.18 of the revised code |
07-23-14 |
A resolution declaring the necessity of submitting the question of the issuance of recreational facilities improvement bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $7,100,000, to the electors of the district pursuant to section 133.18 of the revised code |
07-23-14 |
A resolution declaring the necessity of submitting the question of the issuance of recreational facilities improvement bonds, in the aggregate principal amount of $5,680,000, to the electors of the district pursuant to section 133.18 of the revised code |
07-23-14 |
A resolution declaring it necessary to levy an additional 0.50-mill tax levy for the purpose of parks and recreational purposes, including acquiring, maintaining and operating recreational facilities and community centers, and requesting the Summit County Fiscal Officer to certify the total current tax valuation of the district and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by that additional levy, pursuant to Sections 755.18, 5707.19(H) and 5707.198 of the revised code |
07-23-14 |